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Simple Marks Calculation using Excel

This example shows a simple marks calculation using MS-Excel.

Here are the steps for calculating total, average, minimum and maximum marks.

1. First of all, create a sheet with following data in it.

2. Place cursor next to "Total Marks" column and type the formula [while writing a formula in excel it is mandatory to put "=" equal sign before the formula or name of the expression and refer the cell address with separated by ":" colon, which indicates starting cell address and ending cell address] as shown in following image.

3. After hitting enter key you can see the following output.

4. Now calculate Average. [follow below image]

5. Now, find minimum value in the range. [follow below image]

6. Do also for Maximum. [refer below image]

7. Now sheet looks completed with all 4 basic calculations- sum, average, minimum and maximum. [refer below screen shot]

8. The above data can be shown in Graphical way .i.e. using excel "Charts", just follow below steps.

8.a) First select all data as per following image.

8.b) Then go to "Insert" tab [follow below screen shots]

8.c) Now click on "Column" chart [ refer below image]

8.d) Now you can see the complete sheet with chart on marks details with following screen shot.

That's all for now, I'm coming with new Excel example in my next blog. Happy Reading!!

Data validation in Excel

Data Validation with MS - Excel

Data validation is an important for entering specific values in the column with size or length. Here are the steps.

1. Prepare the sheet as shown in following screen shot.

2. Select the cloumn "Employee code" then Go to "Data" menu tab in the excel.

3. Select Data validation.

4. Select "Settings" Tab and set the validation criteria as shown in below image.

5. Now go to "Input Message" Tab on Data validation dialog box and set Title and Input message as following.

6. Now go to "Error Alert" tab and set error style and title and also enter error message.

7. Now enter data, you see an input message as yellow shaded box next to cells.

8. If any violation in the data entry, you will see an error message box as following. [as we set criteria for Employee code min:4 and maximum:6 characters]

9.Also set other criteria for more columns by allowing specific values to be entered like date, time, number etc. 
That's all for now. subscribe here for tutorials.

you can also read my other blog on Excel