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Gantt chart and PERT Chart

1. A Gantt chart:
A Gantt chart is developed as a production control tool in 1917 by Henry L. Gantt, an American engineer. Gantt chart is frequently used in project management, this chart provides a graphical explaination of a schedule that helps to plan,research, analyse, coordinate, and track specific tasks in a project.

To create Gantt chart, the various parameter must be considered in a project and this chart can be created using many tools and one such tool is MS Excel and here is an example of that Gantt chart. 

You can also browse more about Gantt Chart here

A PERT chart is a project management tool used to plan, Schedule, organize and coordinate tasks within a project. 

PERT stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique. 
This chart can be created using many tools and one such tool is MS Excel and here is an example of that PERT chart.

You can find more here 

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