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Wordpress on Local server

How to run / create a blog/website using Wordpress.

Brief About Wordpress:  It is a CMS(Content Management System), The most powerful open source plat-form for creating blogs and professional websites with over 24% of entire web share out of nearly 1 billion websites world wide. Over 26,000 plug-ins to use and enhance your Wordpress site features and stunning themes to look and feel.

In this tutorials you'll able to install, create and design website/blog using wordpress on local pc/laptop.

Install WAMP (server) on your windows PC/Laptop.
Here is an tutorial to install wamp 

After installing, open browser and type : http://localhost

Step3: You'll see following screen shot with WAMP Home page.

Step4: Click on "phpmyadmin" as per above image and create a database on mysql as following screen image.

After successfully creating the database "mywpsite", now go for next step.

Step5: Now download the wordpress software from here or
you can also refer below image for that.

Step 6: Unzip the folder and place that folder in C:\wamp\www location. [it looks like c:\wamp\www\mywpsite]

Step 7: Now open above site in the browser by typing : http://localhost/mywpsite (refer following image)

Step 8: Click on "Continue" then Click on Letsgo" button 

Step 9: Put here database name (which was just created), user name (commonly "root"), password (commonly blank) and local host, leave this as it is.[follow below screen image]

Step 10: Click on "Submit" button then you'll see following screen image.

Step 11: Click on "Run the Install" then you'll be redirected  to following page.

Step 12: provide all user details with email id as per above image. And Click on "Install Wordpress" button.

Finally you'll see following success page.

Now login with user name and password to create your local wordpress sites.

Thank you for reading my blog.

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