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Here are some basic programs using PHP
1. Arithmetic operation program using PHP
$str=" Arithmetic operation";
echo "Sum=", $c;
echo "<br>Sub=", $c;
echo "<br>Mul=", $c;
echo "<br>Div=", $c;
2. PHP program to print person name and age.
echo "Person name=", $name;
echo "<br>Age=", $age;
3. PHP Program to SWAP 2 Numbers
echo "A: before swap=", $a;
echo "<br>B: before swap=", $b;
echo "<br>A: After swap=", $a;
echo "<br>B: After swap=", $b;
4.  PHP Program to test whether the number is +ve or -ve.
if ($a>0)
echo "Number is positive";
echo "Number is negative";
5. PHP program to test whether the person is Eligible to vote or not.
if ($age>=18)
echo $name, " is eligible for vote";
echo $name, " is NOT eligible for vote";

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